I love the snow...actually, I love any type of unusual weather; storms, wind, hard rain, sleet, hail, but my favorite, is severe cold and snow. Don't know why; as long as I can remember I've always loved the snow. My mom always said it was because it snowed on the day I was born. I'm not sure about that, but it's as good a reason as any. At any rate, I've had a blast watching all this Bellingham snow and have even developed a reputation as an amateur weather hound; (not sure if it's a good rep or a bad one). At any rate, I thought I'd share my favorite weather websites.
komonews.com/weather - I love this website because they do a lengthy write-up about the weather and usually include all the details I love to read about.
national weather service, Bellingham - I love this site because you get accurate forecasts, especially short term. You also get in bright bold red letters, any warnings or special weather statements (like, right now, as I write, there is a Winter Storm Warning for Bellingham).
intellicast radar - When weather is happening, I go to this radar loop - my brother-in-law who is a pilot put me onto this site as a good one for seeing what's actually happening; (blue for snow, red for mix, green for rain).
accuweather, Bellingham - I just found this site and love it for long range forecasting, as in 15 days or so. Accuweather actually had this arctic blast predicted about 10-11 days before it actually happened. Keep in mind though, long range forecasting is very iffy, especially in the NW.
weatherbug.com is fun too, but I'm not sure it's very accurate. Stay with the local guys for the most accuracy - a couple more are
kirotv.com/weather and
king5tv.com/weather, both Seattle based but still have good reports on Bellingham.
So there you go! Those are my favorite 4 weather websites. Got any suggestions?
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