Saturday, September 05, 2009

Bush Point - Fishin' for Humpies

Straight to the Pictures: This was my first week ever of fishing for Humpies; also known as "Pink Salmon."  The run comes every other year and our locale was ideal for catching them.  Pink Buzz Bombs was the lure of choice...and we "killed it" all week long.  We had two boats but never felt a need to put them in the water as fishing from the dock we had private access to netted us all the fish we could catch (and more).  My best stretch of fishing was either Friday, when I landed 16 salmon (only kept 4), or Monday, the morning we left, when I landed 3 salmon in 3 casts.  As you can see, almost all of the pictures are either sunsets or fishing...and that's pretty much all we did.  Make sure you click here to see the full album...

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