Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lots of updates...

Got a number of updates in this post...all pictures, (no video).  As always, you can just wimp out and click here to see all the pictures (43 of them), but then you'll miss my rockin' captions explaining what you're looking at.

First up, a birthday balloon for Mama!

2nd: Julie on her birthday, checking out the tide-pools at Larabee State Park

3rd up: an old-school soda machine...including the semi-so-rolled back price of $.50

4th up: some shots from Taylor Shellfish Farms (off of Chuckanut)

5th up: a stare down with curious george

6th up: a series of great shots called "the car seat smiles."  Here's one of them - you'll have to click here to see the rest.

7th: I met YODA today!

8th - Julie gave Brennan a big cup of chocolate and then he fell asleep.  Ok, not really...

9th up - Taking a nap with Bapa

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