Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Last week we made it to the Lynden Fair (technically called "The Northwest Washington Fair" but that was too much to type). It was a blast! We got there a little before 10:00 AM and lasted all the way until 6:45 PM. We weren't sure if we'd survive the afternoon, but eventually B did fall asleep in his stroller (thank you "Bob") and slept for 2 hours in that thing! The highlight for Julie and I was watching Brennan discover all sorts of things. His favorite was sitting and playing on all the tractors, and then going on some rides (ferris wheel, merry-go-round, and an airplane ride). B also had fun eating healthy fair food like Doughnuts, Elephant Ears and Shave Ice.

At any rate, click here for all the photos. Scroll down for some of the best with captions!

Just couldn't resist!

Tractors, Tractors, and more tractors!

If only you could hear the noises with this picture...

What? There's MORE TRACTORS?

Zoom in on this one and check out the reflection...

Fair Food! Lovin' it.

Waiting for Mamma! "Mamma, hurry up! Horsey ride!"



Fair Food - Shave Ice...

Sleeping in the Bob!

What? You waited until the end of the day to show me the riding lawn mowers?

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